Sunday, February 3, 2008

Close one, Cast in another

It was the last night of the one-act show I'm in and up until tonight they had 2 one-act shows running in rep. Tonight however they ran the shows back to back. Since I hadn't seen the 2nd show yet I stuck around and while waiting for the show to start I listened to a voicemail that told me I'd been cast in another one-act show (Spring Shorts) with Phare Play Productions!

My new director is actually a former co-star from a show I did @ Reality Aside Theatre. The character I'm playing is actually a switch for me as she's actually "normal" and less of a "character". And to make the world even smaller - the playwright that wrote the script, also wrote the script I did a reading for in August! It continues to amaze me how even in this big city - the theatre community world seems to be getting smaller and smaller. You never know who knows who...

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