Monday, February 11, 2008

Panicked and Random

When I went to lunch today I found a message on my phone from a person @ the Drama League that they were confirming that I'd be there THAT NIGHT as a volunteer for their gala. Ummm....

I panicked as I thought I might have missed an email! How could I have forgotten something like that?! I had a callback which I really wanted to go to but if I had committed to this I really should go. And then there was the snag of needing to be dressed up for this and THERE by 6pm! Which meant I'd have to scramble to buy something over my lunch and finagle leaving work early.

I called the person back and found out I had not actually missed an email. It was an oops on their part (I had emailed about volunteering but never heard back). Needless to say I had to pass on the opportunity to mingle w/ Broadway celebs but I did so with a small sigh of relief. Hopefully, I can still volunteer for their luncheon!

After that little panic attack subsided I went back to work and 2 men came in asking for one of the partners. I asked who they were and the older gentleman said he was her father and the other guy...well, the other guy was friendly and kind of acted like I should know him....I let the partner know they were there and then...I started to click...

It was RICHIE RICH! The former Party Boy (i.e. one of the inspirations for Party Monster) and now a designer. Fashion Week had been going on @ Bryant Park down the block but I still wasn't totally sure what the whole connection was.

He seemed nice and perhaps amused that I didn't recognize him as they left. You just never know who you are going to encounter around here I guess...

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