Thursday, May 31, 2007

On the road to NYC...finally...

So I started out Thursday at 4am, getting everything ready and loaded for a planned take off time @ 1pm.

That didn't happen.

Packing a mini van by yourself takes a lot longer than I thought it would. Besides the numerous trips down stairs with stuff, I had to play "tetris" when packing to fit everything in...a plan that mostly worked til it was discovered that I didn't leave enough room for my brother's (he accompanied me on the trip) suitcase. The closest thing to pull were my dvds and cds - bummer.

I had planned to have lunch with a friend before I left town, but after bumping it back a few times it was clear that it wasn't going to happen. Time was not on my the time I signed my papers leaving the apt, stopped to say "Hi" to my friend I had to cancel lunch plans with and got to my brother's to pick him up it was about 4pm.

It wasn't until we were well on the road that I realized I had forgotten to make time to bring comfort food from home with me - namely, Eileen's Cookies and Valentino's Spaghetti Sauce. My brother said those could always be sent by mail...

So I started the drive to Des Moines. We got there about 6pm and stopped for eats @ Wendy's and topped off the tank (btw - Dodge Grand Caravan's have GREAT gas per mileage!) Then we switched and my bro drove. The original plan was to make it as far as Toledo, Ohio the first night but because of the late start we then decided we'd just call it at midnight and stay somewhere near Chicago.

Little did I know, my brother had taken a Spike pill (caffeine) in Des Moines and wasn't ready to call it quits when midnight approached. We stopped in Peru, IL at a Steak & Shake about 11pm. (24 hr chain restaurant that I'd heard about but had yet to experience - the shake was good, the burger...well, I've had better...)

We stopped at a gas station in Ohio about 2:30am and my brother thought reaching Toledo was still a possibility so he kept driving - with extra inspiration from the Rocky Balboa soundtrack. He kept driving until we saw signs on the side of the road that said - if lights are flashing, animals are nearby. I commented that if they put that much money into warning people about potential roadkill it must be a big problem. My bro decided it was time to call it a night before we had an unfortunate meeting with one of those said animals. So we pulled off @ Fremont, Indiana (Flashes of Nebraska came back in town names throughout the trip - Fremont, Bellevue, Peru) and called it a night, er...morning at the Super 8 about 5:30am.

Although the tolls were a pain on the trip a toll guy did prove helpful to us when he asked us where we were headed and told us our first hotel choice (Holiday Inn Express) was expensive and there was a Super 8 in the area and even gave us a coupon!

When we checked in the gal asked us if she thought we would be ready to check out by noon - yep. We took off the next day about 11am.

I started the drive but didn't last long we pulled off a couple times before I finally relinquished my driving duties for a while.

We hit Barkeyville, PA about 3:45pm and stopped for a bite to eat at King's Restaurant. Their dessert speciality was the "Frownie Brownie". Neither of us had one but I was intrigued by their marketing efforts - Our desserts are just decadent, they're downright mean!
My turn to drive again - PA seemed to go on FOREVER and it didn't help that it would rain hard off and on during the drive. I can't imagine taking a fam vacay thru there - no telling how many "Are we there yets?" a child could spit out in that time. Ugh.

PA does have great scenery though! Unfortunately at that point we felt there wasn't a whole lot time to spare to hop out and take pics. We just pushed thru as it started to get dark. And then FINALLY NY. And then the trip really got interesting as we ran into lanes that were way too narrow and attempting to read directions in the dark since an overhead light was making it hard to see the lights of the cars around us. But we made it!

And then we roommate-to-be misunderstood and thought I was coming on the 10th so we had to wait an hour and a half for her to get off work and get to the house. I bawled. So incredibly tired and the sibling bliss had worn off several miles back.

But things started to get better as my friend in NYC stopped by to offer his place up for us to sleep since he had air conditioning - adding that once we got unloaded we could just crash instead of then having to fish out bedding etc.

By this time the roommate had arrived and all helped to unload the van - it went so quickly! Then we got the van returned - the Avis lady said,"You drove all the way from Nebraska?!" Yep.

And then it was off to lay our weary heads sometime after 1am and rest a bit before site-seeing in NYC the next day.

Counting Down

Time is flying and running out!

Since my last day @ work, it has been a mad scramble of schedules, packing and many, many trips to goodwill. Up until Sunday all my energy was spent on pulling stuff together for my moving sale. My parents have made several trips to Omaha to help where they could so that has helped some.

Sunday came and went and only 10 people showed up for the sale. I really hadn't thought about the possibility of that scenario but it happened. And since Monday was Memorial Day things couldn't be taken to Goodwill until Tuesday morn. Ugh. LOTS of trips. And it was hard to pack and sort when the sale stuff was still taking up space.

Thankfully I had a distraction from that disappointment...My farewell gathering. Memorial Day weekend was just a bad time for sales and parties but I was able to visit with some people before I left.

Here's a group shot of some of those that were there...
Then Monday morning came and I enjoyed one last movie @ Oakview with a friend before I left. As we journeyed to our movie of choice (The Waitress*) we saw a couple of really cool displays set up to promote upcoming movies. We took turns taking advantage of the pic opportunity with the Simpsons. Very clever display - but the seat is made of cardboard - so you had to be careful when sitting down!

*"The Waitress" was good - except I didn't like the one-dimensional character of the hubby. And knowing the story about Adrienne Shelley made it a little sad to see her on screen knowing it was her last film. It is worth watching - but it is okay to wait til video.

After the movie, Monday was spent just gathering all the sale stuff into boxes for Goodwill. Then trips to Goodwill on Tuesday, rehearsal for "Trip to Bountiful" on Tuesday afternoon and then a friend of mine came into town about midnight and we stayed up until 5am packing. Woke up @ 9am to get the day started again...packing, sorting, ridding, cleaning...packing, sorting, ridding, a cab ride to the airport to pick up my Dodge Grand Caravan, then off to another rehearsal back home briefly to realize that in all the flurry it would be the last time I see my parents for a while. Of course the realization of the official goodbye came after I had put on my makeup for the Bountiful performance. I didn't even get to say goodbye to my dad as he was off on a trip to Goodwill.

And the time kept to the Joslyn! The performance went well - thankfully. (We even got flowers!) I made a few more contacts too. As well as say more goodbyes. And there was a lady from Metro Magazine that took a pic of me and others that were standing around during the reception- so check next month's issue! ;)

I also got a pic w/ Joel Vig, one of my Bountiful co-stars and also the person who adapted the script for radio as well as produced and directed the show.

Wished I had had more time to see more of the conference, but alas...

Made time for a food break with another friend (Upstream's mashed potatoes with dill havarti cheese melted on top, yum!) and then headed home. Went to bed @ midnight and got up @ 4am to finish packing and start loading...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Goodbye to AP

My last day of work is Friday but since many were leaving early for Memorial Day weekend, they scheduled my "going away" party for today. I got to pick my treat - Cookie Dough Delirium (with Cake Batter ice cream) Cake from Cold Stone. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm! But even though I knew what I was getting I still got surprised because the cake was specially decorated.

I would have been here 3 years in June! Wow. Now that might not seem like a long time to some, but that's the longest I've been at one job so that seemed like a long time to me! Will be a little weird walking out the door for the last time on Friday.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Goodbyes Begin...

In addition to packing, ridding, sorting, selling, etc. I'm also scheduling! My calendar is quickly filling with various "goodbye" meetings. Weird to think that some people I'm saying goodbye to this week I may not see again for a long time, even though I'm in town for a bit longer. Everyone's schedules are just so crazy!

At any rate, my first big goodbye dinner was with a group of ladies called the "Divine D's". (So named because the original group was made of women with names starting with "D", those that were invited that didn't have "D" names had to make up one. Mine is Dora.)
What a fabulous and fun bunch! I was surprised with many going-away items. Including my very own "Divine D" black polo! They had me wear a tiara, gave me a Dora doll (and thanks to Dusty Di we now all know the words to Dora's "Friendship Song"), traveling scrapbook, "D" keychain for my new apartment keys and a Diva (did you know Avid is Diva backwards?) standing sign.

We ate @ Firebirds (I'd never been there before, I highly recommend the parm. mashed potates and pecan green beans) and I'm not sure the staff knew what to make of us. Actually, that is kind of a trend at whatever restaurant we go to! ;) So, they will carry on with their monthly (or so) dinners and I told them to comment on my blog and of course there's the traveling scrapbook.

Am meeting a former co-worker for lunch today @ the new/old or is it old/new (?) Dundee Dell and another friend at Valentino's Buffet on Saturday (can you tell I'm doing my best to hit up the local eats before I go?!;)) And then hitting up Kona Grill's Happy Hour next week with another friend!
The Sunday of Memorial Day weekend I'm attempting a Moving Sale @ my place (hopefully I will have ridded some of it out before then - have begun postings on craigslist) followed by a (small/big? who knows) Farewell Gathering not at my place. ;) And in the meantime I will continue to schedule away (and take lots of pics)!

Friday, May 11, 2007

It's Official!

So here's the officially official announcement - I'm moving to NYC!

Notice has been given @ work. Notice was already in @ my current apartment. Can hopefully jump in with temp work as soon as I "land" on the east coast. And I've got a sublet in Queens thru August - here's a pic.

See the lady in blue? (Standing by the alley.) That's the land lady I'll be living upstairs in the building she's standing near.

Now begins the HUGE challenge of narrowing my stuff down to fit in a mini van. Yes, NO moving van for me - I'm selling my car and renting a mini van to take me and my stuff cross country. My bro has been so kind as to join me for the ride - his first time in NYC. So we'll take off on May 31st and plan on hitting my new digs on June 1st. Then June 2nd we'll do a very, very condensed version of site seeing before he takes off on the 3rd.

So back to the narrowing down of stuff...oy. For those that have seen my apartment, you REALLY know how much of a challenge this is. I loaded up 3 large bags of Goodwill items from my bedroom last night and I felt like I'd really accomplished something, until I walked into my living room. So much to do! Am starting to post stuff on craigslist today. Keep your fingers crossed that it all sells. I just have to keep plugging away and narrowing. And trying my best not to have TOO many items sent back to my mom and dad's for storage.

And in addition to all the packing and ridding there's all the details in between - new address forms, prepping for training the new person @ work, transferring all my files on my humongo computer to my lap top or discs, laundry, laundry, laundry, deep cleaning, okay...can't continue with the list - must just get stuff done!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

David Lindsay-Abaire

When I was in NYC I got to take part in a Master Class at the Cherry Lane Theatre in Greenwich Village. The guest playwright was David Lindsay-Abaire. He just won a pulitzer for "The Rabbit Hole" and also wrote "Wonder of the World", "Fuddy Mears" and "Kimberly Akimbo".

I made sure to take notes so I could share what I heard/learned and here it is...

His mentors were Christopher Durang & Marsha Norman. Whom he met when going to Julliard. He also mentioned learning from Stephen Belber who was a fellow student.

When asked why most of his leading roles are played by women he said he did it because women need more leading roles - he's trying to balance things .;) When he comes up with a story idea - he asks himself if it can be played by a man or women, if it doesn't matter - he makes the character a woman. And maybe his Mother (who has been a huge influence on his life) has influenced some of the creation of his female characters too.

He also tries to write each character so they all have their moment in the show no matter the size of the role. Any character could walk away with the show. He operates on the theory that he wants the parents to be proud even if their son/daughter is only playing Waitress #3.

He really doesn't have a set process for his writing, often his writing is dictated by deadlines. (Sounds like me!)

His advice to directors that deal with his more comedic scripts - "Don't put a hat on a hat." In order words, let the script be funny - don't add extra visual gags or overdo.

His thoughts on reviews - audience size matters! If it is a big audience the odds are more in your favor that the laugher will balance out the non-laughers. If you have a small venue with a couple laughers he thinks that affects the reviewer (whether they admit it or not).

Fuddy Meers - Was inspired by a story he saw on 20/20 about a man who woke up every morning without memories. He waited awhile to start writing the play, but when he did he had trouble tracking down the transcript to that story or finding any information on the medical phenonmenon. Had he dreamed it? He decided to proceed with the story anyway and then 4 years after it was published someone came to him with the illusive transcript.

Wonder of the World - Since the Broadway production, he has helped with another production of the show and cut 20 minutes out. Although he is still not satisfied. He is hoping to work with another production and cut another 5 minutes out and then he'll re-publish for use.

The Barbie Doll head storyline was inspired by a friend of his who worked in the ER and told him about a similiar incident. D L-A's good friend TR Knight called him from the set of Grey's Anatomy to tell him that they were using a similiar storyline and was concerned that they were ripping David off. David of course couldn't really prove anything and just had to chalk it up to the fact that others had heard that story from an ER friend too!

Rabbit Hole - The inspiration for this came from something he'd heard, "If you want to write a good play, write about things that terrify you most." He said it wasn't until he had a child that he fully understood those kind of feelings. Thus the lose of a child in Rabbit Hole.

Nicole Kidman has bought the rights to Rabbit Hole and DL-B is adapting it for the screen. He said screenwriting is where the money is. But the process is more difficult than playwrighting. Movies are a much more visual medium than plays so there is a shift from a lot of dialogue to something that can be shown on film. Dealing with those in Hollywood isn't always a picnic either - He had one Hollywood Exec tell him - "Oh! You're a playwright - that's so cute!"

But yet, he keeps adapting - cause that's where the money is. He recently adapted a kid's book , Inkheart, and is working on the sequel even though the first one isn't out yet! He said it is more difficult to adapt someone else's writing and was careful not to add too much "extra" as to stay true to the story. When the execs looked @ the first draft they told him they wanted more of what he had added. So he did - worried about the author, only to have the author tell him that he'd captured the story beautifully!

Kimberly Akimbo has also been adapted for the screen. Steven Spielberg (his wife drug him to see the show and he liked it) optioned the rights but it has not been greenlit yet. They want to cast a 16 year old and put "old person" makeup on her so they are testing the makeup before they proceed with production.

He wrote the book for "High Fidelity" and in retrospect said it was a terrible idea for a musical, because the "hero" really didn't have hero qualities. And if your lead in a musical isn't all that redeeming or likeable - that can be a problem.

Currently he is writing the book and lyrics (first time writing lyrics) for Shrek The Musical. He said they are adding more stuff to flesh out the story line and writing it has been the most fun he's ever had. Of course he can't wait for it to open so he can start making some money! :)

A book recommendation he gave - "The Playwright's Guidebook" by Stuart Spencer