Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Make it stop, pleeeeeeeease!

Thanks to that lovely holiday coming up...CNBC has been overrun w/ horrible Valentine's Ideas in the form of annoying commercials.

The runner up that doesn't quite make me want to bang my head against my desk...but close, is the ad for "Pajamagrams" w/ a tagline that tells guys the best way to get her clothes off is to buy her pajamas. Really?! I've heard of people using this as a gift for people when they come home from the hospital but not as a Valentine's gift.

The WORST and MOST ANNOYING commercial goes to Vermont Teddy Bear where they play this catchy little ditty to a series of people getting and giving teddy bears that they just happen to be dressed like! Oh! And did I mention the background music includes the line - check out that boom! Yes.

A co-worker said that they also advertise on Howard Stern and another co-worker talked about how giving teddy bears is high school and that if her boy did that....well, it wouldn't be a Happy Val's Day for him...

So...guys...don't get your ideas from what CNBC advertises. In fact run in the complete opposite direction of those ideas and tell your friends.

In the meantime...I need to ice my forehead before that stupid commercial comes on again! ;)

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