Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Subway Etiquette

Seems like nearly everyone is sniffling or hacking on the subway these days. They have signs posted at the stops that actually ask people not to use the subway if they are sick.

Unfortunately, if the subway is your only form of transportation sometimes you don't have a choice but to get on sick...I guess...

I was sitting on the subway headed home with my head buried in a book and all of a sudden I heard this phlegmy guttural cough and THEN saw the results of it move my hair. No this wasn't from a youngster that might not know better - it was from an older, gray haired woman that should know better.


So let this be a friendly reminder to cover your mouth when you cough or better yet, cough in the crook of your arm so then when you reach for the subway pole you don't wipe your cough germs there.

Getting out the airborne...

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