Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Julia Cameron

I first became aware of Julia Cameron when my friend gave me a book written by her for Christmas last year, "The Artist's Way". This book actually helped to give me that final push towards my move to NYC. And provided the quote I have on my business card - Leap and a net will appear.

After talking about "Morning Pages" and what not, my mom decided to pick up the book herself and then kept reading the rest of Julia Cameron's books, too!

When I saw that Julia Cameron was going to be @ a B&N for a book signing I thought maybe it would be a good incentive for my mom to fly out...but alas. Instead, I went to the signing and got it autographed for her. (Julia told me to tell my mom "Hi!")

Before the signing, Julia spoke about her new book, "The Writing Diet" and had a Q&A.

She opened with her concern over writing a diet book and fretting over what to wear to best flatter her "medium" ("it's a job description as well as a size") figure. She said that she finally decided to embrace the fact that she was from NY and just wear black on her whole book tour! ;) ( This appearance was her first on behalf of her new book.)

Part of the inspiration for the book was that after never having trouble with her weight, a medication she took recently made her balloon 40lbs heavier than she typically was. This problem combined with her realization of how much people changed physically as they went thru "The Artist's Way" in the class she taught made her think there might be something connected with writing and change in a person's lifestyle.

Once again it all starts with Morning Pages. While I was waiting for the talk to begin I started reading the book and it actually seems to be a quicker read than "The Artist's Way" was. Even if you take nothing else from Cameron's books, the morning pages truly are a good habit to get into and keep.

She also recommends you keep a food journal - she noted that personally, it kept her accountable for what she ate. If she had to write it down she was forced to pay attention to her eating habits which sometimes can be all too easy to sweep aside.

Other random tidbits she shared....

Cold Mac & Cheese is the perfect food - especially as a midnight snack. She said as long as she kept herself writing though - the Mac & Cheese wouldn't call to her. ;)

Her first crush as a child inspired her to become a writer and crushes have been her inspiration every since.

She was an alcoholic and kicked the habit at 29 - she is now 60.

For those that have read "The Artist's Way" you will probably remember Cameron's mention of "The Crazymakers". A person in the audience applauded Cameron for writing about such people and Cameron said that her editor wanted her to leave that chapter out, adding that the editor WAS a crazymaker! ;) They're everywhere!!!!

So...if you haven't read one of Julia Cameron's books perhaps this will inspire you to do so. It is at least worth a flip thru. :)

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