Monday, January 14, 2008


A client was on the phone in the lobby @ work today and I randomly heard this statement....

"No one cares about sunlight in the bathroom, Daniel."

Which made me wonder - is that true? Would I care if given a choice? Hmmmm... Would you? Inquiring minds...

Dress Rehearsal tonight! No snow...yet.


Anonymous said...

I definitely care. I want to see sunlight everywhere!!!

Anonymous said...

Sunlight in the bathroom is really helpful for the natural-light-on-your-face-when-you-need-to-put-on-makeup situation. Plus, it's darn cheery!

Anonymous said...

The LAST thing in the world I want is to get a sunburn while sitting on the toilet. Especially if the sunburn impacts "sensitive" areas, ya know? So no, no sunlight in the bathroom for me...