Sunday, June 17, 2007

Where in NY are the Flamin' Hot Cheetos?!

Only two weeks here and I've managed to catch a cold. Yippee! The upside is that if you are sniffling and coughing on the subway - people tend to keep their distance. The downside (aside from the obvious annoyance of just having the cold symptoms) is that it seems NYC lacks in one of my cold comfort foods. FLAMIN' HOT CHEETOS! Not sure what the dilly is, but the local Key Foods doesn't have them and I even stopped at a K-Mart with no luck.

Before I moved, I had trouble finding the "Baked" version of these sinus opening treats - the last I saw them on the shelf was on a visit to Cali in February. I prefer the "baked" - but was willing to take whatever I could find - but I can't find ANYTHING!!!

I did a little research online and it seems that these cheetos concern parents/schools because the kids love them but they have even less nutritional value than the original cheetos. So does that account for them not being on the shelf?! How does that explain the "baked" version being MIA too?!

I knew when I moved there would be some things I couldn't find in NYC but this was definitely not one of them. And when I went to try and find a local store that carried them on the frito lay errored! Blast! Sigh.

I guess Spicy V-8 will have to suffice for now...but I will continue the search.

The truth be told though - if I had to choose between finding my local supply of baked flaming hot cheetos and getting rid of this crud - well I'd choose the crud ridder.

Take your vitamins, kids! And stay healthy!

As for's time for another does of meds...sans a flamin hot cheetos chaser. Sadness. :(

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