Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Meeting Dorothy Hamill

Lately the Barnes & Noble on the same block that I work has been having lots of book signings. Book signings that I can go to over my lunch break! :)

Dorothy Hamill was there today. And it took a little more than my hour to get thru the line...eek!

But I did get my book signed, a pic taken and chatted briefly. I told her that I had wanted to be a figure skater when I was younger (like 1st grade after I saw the 1984 Winter Olympics. We actually made a "When I grow up" class book and I drew a pic and announced Figure Skater as my occupation of choice - ironic that I never actually ice skated until I was in my late 20s!)

I said I grew up in Nebraska though so there wasn't as much of an opportunity (not sure why I had to add that, but I did - kinda true)

She said - Well it is cold there. But...(not a lot of places to skate). Then she asked if I lived in Manhattan.

I said I had moved to NY in June.

She asked - From Nebraska?

I replied - Yes.

Big Move - she answered. Do you like it?

Yes, because it gives me a chance to meet people like you.

Dorothy took my hands and said - You're so sweet. Then she wished me luck in the city.

Yippee - a celebrity encounter that wasn't too badly botched by yours truly! ;)

She is genuinely nice and the reason why it took so long in line is because she was taking the time to have moments like that with everyone.

The only downside to having the book autographed is that I'm hesitant to stuff it in my bag to read. May have to just be a "read @ home" book! ;)


Don Nguyen said...

Wow! Very cool!

Anonymous said...

And in second grade, after having seen the summer Olympics, you wanted to be a sychronized swimmer. You drew a picture of that, too!

These pics will be very much enjoyed by the grents.