After sleeping in I decided to take advantage of having access to cable and ran across an Inside the Actor's Studio episode with Michael J. Fox. His least favorite noise is when your nose whistles when you wake up in the morning with a cold. His favorite noise is water dripping. His favorite word is utopia and his least favorite word is bitch.

I finally joined the 'rents mid afternoon and fed my annual allowance of funnel cake with cinnamon & sugar (I decided to switch it up from powdered sugar this year!;) )
Headed over to the Devaney Center and got my handwriting analyzed - another annual tradition as of late as they say your handwriting changes somewhat according to what is going on in your life. It is always at least 90% accurate with what it says (according to me) - you sign your name on a piece of paper and they stick it in a computer to read. Then it also prints out a bonus horoscope with sign traits. The guy running the booth had his head down reading the printout and mentioned purple being my color, not even realizing that's the color I was wearing until he finally looked up to hand it to me. What can I say? I likes the purple.
Verizon had a booth at Devaney too with a free activation offer. I decided to make the switch as Alltel doesn't have a branch in NY and Verizon is all over. So if you have Verizon your calls to me are now free! I also have unlimited texting! :) Still trying to figure out my new phone. Preferring to still use my old one as an alarm clock! ;)
Walgreens had a mobile unit set up for health screenings so we all went over there to get tested on cholesterol, bone density and BMI. My parents signed up and my dad asked me if I was doing it, too. I said yes and the guy behind the table asked if I was 18! Look at the pic of me with the funnel cake. That's how I looked - maybe it was the glasses? Wowser - I thought I was bad at guessing ages! But I guess if I can pass for under 18 that's okay, right? Well, as long as I'm not headed for the bar....;)
The screenings all came out well, except I need more calcium intake. What?! You mean all those lattes with skim milk aren't helpin' me out?! Tee-hee. I shouldn't joke, I know. Probably need to get supplements. Or uh, drink more milk!
Besides the tests, Walgreens also had a sample bag that included a piece of Nicorette that didn't have nicotine. It was a sample of the flavor - so one of these days I'll be chewing Nicorette for the flavor. No, really...
Passing by the UNL Dairy Store on the way out I decided to try some of their Scarlett and Cream (Strawberry) ice cream - I'm low in calcium, remember? ;)
Back home I checked out more reality TV on cable with the "Two Coreys" aka Reality TV's Odd Couple and Gene Simmons Family Jewels. They had a recap of the previous season of GSFJ on and showed Gene and his "wife" (they aren't actually married) getting face lifts. Then his kids' reactions when they saw him afterward. Horror and tears - that was their response. They asked him why he wanted to do that to himself. Maybe it will deter his children from doing the same when they get older? Another episode showed Gene playing sand volleyball in a father/daughter competition with his all black outfit including leather jacket. Crack TV - you know you shouldn't watch but you just can't help it! Probably good that I don't have cable.
We had supper @ Amigos!!! And bonus that they had my favorites (Cheesy Burrito and Crisp Meat Burrito) on sale for 99 cents each. Greasy but oh so good - especially when dipped in ranch.
So much for my good cholesterol reading!
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