Had to wake up in the wee hours of the morning to get ready and get to the airport and LaGuardia was already full of people. CNN was on in the waiting area and they were talking about flooding the midwest. Yikes! I made a quick call to the 'rents to see if weather was behaving so I could fly in as scheduled and it seemed to be okay. Thankfully I was flying thru Memphis as O'Hare flights were being delayed or cancelled.
Once aboard I quickly lost the battle to stay awake actually being woke up by the flight attendant to see if I wanted something to drink - that's never happened before! The switch in Memphis consisted of just crossing the passageway so I didn't get a lot of exposure to the Memphis airport but I knew I was in Memphis thanks to the thickly accented flight attendant who had to check my carry on due to the plane to Omaha being small.
Although I did doze on the second flight I had lots of talky people around me so I couldn't help but overhear their convos as they were keeping me up!;) One lady talked about how it had been 8 years since she'd been to Nebraska and all she learned was to not eat the shrimp. A mother (maybe grandmother) and daughter (or granddaughter) sat behind me and the younger one (probably in her upper teens) could have been on Jay Leno as a JayWalker. She talked about how she had to learn the names of all the presidents for school and her mother/grandma told her she should know them already. The girl said she knew maybe 5 and started to list them - Thomas Jefferson...Wait. No, was he a president?
Finally we landed and my dad was there to pick me up. Then we hit the road to Lincoln to join my mom for her lunch break and have my first meal back in Nebraska at Runza! Mmmmm....Runza fries...get some! (don't worry if you don't get that last line....)
While in downtown Lincoln I stopped by the place I used to work in college - Husker Headquarters. I actually helped open the stores 7 years ago! Hadn't worked there for 4 years and upon walking in the door my old boss asked how long I was in town, wondering if I'd want to pick up some hours as he'd just fired a girl and they had lots of inventory to get put out before the first gameday. He added that I could name my hours - I said I'd be in touch.
Then I was off to get a badly needed haircut and a pedi to sooth my NY street pounding feet!;) And more importantly I made a stop at Target! Oh how I've missed the Nebraska Targets with shelves that are full! And I drove there! (Yes, those were a lot of exclamations but I was indeed exclaiming!!! ;))
Met up with the 'rents @ Granite City and we topped off our meal with treats from Dairy Queen (I satisfied my Peanut Buster Parfait craving as there aren't any DQs in NY.) Then we went home and I prepped for the days to come. Giving up on my scribbled on and scratched out plans and changes on my calendar I rewrote my packed schedule in a notebook and hoped I didn't miss anything!

The family cat, Purr-vis (we've had him since I was in 6th grade!) meowed a good night to me and thus ended my first day back in Nebraska.
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