My friend had a full schedule planned while I was at work, then she met me and another friend at Serendipity 3.

After we parted ways (there's a group pic that will be posted later) with our local friend we headed to the Bohemian Beer Garden to meet a friend of my visiting friend's. Unfortunately, there was a rather large snag to this plan...
Story time!
A couple days before my friend hit town I got an email from the 'rents with concern over whether my Nebraska license was still valid. Since I would be driving their car when I came back they were worried about that affecting insurance. Grudgingly I decided to get it switched, got time off at work to get my license the morning my friend came and upon paying for my new NY license they took my old license away and gave me a piece of paper.
"This is a temporary license. The real license will be ready in 2-3 weeks."
Er.... Knowing my friend was in town my immediate thought was - Great! Well, if we get drinks I hope I don't get carded. Then...Ahhhhhhh! I have no photo i.d. to fly in a week!
So I called the DMV and when I finally got thru they told me - Yes, we can expedite your license, but you have to call this #. More redialing and holding and finally get thru. I was told they could expedite it and it would take 3-5 business days to get to me - cutting it close for my flight out next week.
They asked for my cc # and I asked them how much the expedite was going to be.
"Between $20-$30".
Ohhhkay. Can I have a tracking #?
"It will get there between 3-5 business days."
Right, but what if it doesn't?
"It will."
So, that brings us back to the Bohemian Beer Garden. The last time we went I remembered they checked cards, but I thought maybe I'd still be okay with my piece of paper. Alas, they had a scanner - it was a no go. So I walked home while my friend met up with her other friend and re-joined her later as our evening plans weren't over yet!
After the beer garden we headed to the IFC Theatre in the village where every month they have midnight screenings of the musical episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

They asked us if we liked Spike. We said yes. They said we'd be disappointed in the actor that portrays him. Not exactly a lookalike.
While standing in line it was announced that people could grab their prop bags. Much like Rocky Horror Midnight Showings, we got an instruction card and props to use during the show and were encouraged to sing along! (Although I must say no one really dressed up like they do for Rocky Horror.)
We got seated and were informed that the traditional trivia and highlight reel of the Buffy Show would not be shown due to the fact that the guy in charge (He played Giles) had been touring with the Midnight Tour and lacked time to put it together. So instead the audience would get 2 bonus episodes of Buffy after the musical. Woot!
The show started and besides all of the cues that were given to us, the "regulars" had extra things they would shout out too. I wasn't sure what to think of actors acting out the show in front of the screen but it actually worked in an odd sort of way.
All great fun but since it was the end of the day tiredness was starting to creep in. We made it

Tomorrow, er today now we'll go to Coney Island!
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