Once we made sure our breaths were nice and peanutbuttery we hopped on the subway again and headed to Coney Island to check out the sights and watch a Brooklyn Cyclones game.
The island wasn't as busy as it was the last time I went. But it was cooler, too - causing me to impulse buy a Brooklyn Cyclones Sweatshirt.
Cooler weather aside - The pier seemed to still be hopping with fishers - fishers that weren't watching where they swung their line.
My friend wanted to ride the Cyclone so I held her stuff while she managed to score a front row seat for the ride! Then it was off to Nathan's and boy howdy was there a line! And not a fast moving line either.
Earlier we had found out that there would be free Brooklyn Cyclones duffel bags handed out to fans so I was antsy to get in line as the gate was getting closer to being opened. I also had a hunch that the famous Nathan's dogs would probably be at the concession stand, too. So in an effort to save standing time I thought I'd check out the ballpark eats.

Although they did have Nathan's @ the ballpark my friend opted to stick it out at the stand and those duffel bags?

The stadium atmosphere reminded me of the Saltdogs' stadium. Homegrown. A 4 piece marching band circled the stadium with their sounds, contests with the audience were held between each

Sadly the Cyclones lost but it was not a lost evening. Heck, we even got our pics taken with the mascots! :) (That's me with Sandy.)

We climbed onto the W train to ride from one end to the other (an hour and a half) and it was already my friend's last night in NYC! (But she still has a day left...;))
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