Since I was working @ Husker HQ and both 'rents work downtown it worked out well to meet up for a birthday lunch @ Noodles & Co. And since it was my dad's birthday...we stopped at The Cookie Company afterwards. (Gotta get my fix while I can!)

Somewhere between stops I had realized I left my script at South the night before. And as luck would have it, tonight they were filming my monologue. Oy.
I retrieved my script and reviewed/crammed as I got ready. Oh geez. I know I can do this - I just don't feel ready to...
My fake husband stood outside the set with script in hand in case I needed help. True, film is a little more forgiving when it comes to dropping a line but time is spent just the same.
Heeere we go! Several different shots were taken and by the end of the night the director asked me how I felt about it. I asked him if he felt like he got what he wanted. He said - Yes. Adding that it looked good. I said, That's all that matters.
On Tuesday we start filming in The Catacombs.
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