During rehearsal my fake husband was using his Brooklyn accent and another actor was using his German accent and I was busy figuring out how to portray "blind" (did I mention I play a Blind Polish Woman from Brooklyn?) , but becoming very aware that I had no accent. Umm...
Now, originally I was told not to worry about an accent. (He'd written it with my voice in mind.) Then I was told they would have lessons for us when I got there - but so far no mention of lessons. So I raised my hand and asked about the accent and was told they had a tape. A tape which they didn't have at the moment but would get to me. Uhhhh.... I was told to call before I left Omaha for the day and connections would be made so I'd have the rest of the weekend to work on it - filming starts Wednesday.
I scurried off to Hector's for what originally would have been a baby shower but since my friend had her baby early it was now a Dora's Back from NY Luncheon (see explanation for Dora in one of my first blogs back in May). It was great to see all the D's gathered again. They'd been good about calling me and passing the phone around when they had dinners prior so I was virtually there but there's nothing quite like being there in person!

I followed New Mommy D over to the hospital to see her baby boy after lunch and even got to hold him. Tiny, tiny but yet very animated! Mommy D glowed as

I recently read Goldie Hawn's autobiography and she tells a story about how she feels her touch helped Oliver when he was first born. Back then theories were opposite and concern of having the vulnerable baby gets germs and whatnot made people think no contact was better. At least studies have proved otherwise now.

Time got away too quickly and I was already late for my next meet & greet!
Next stop - Starbucks! Thankfully my friend and former co-star (she's my fake mom as I played her daughter) was still waiting for me. Originally she was going to help me run lines but due to shortened time we just gabbed. ;) (We tried to meet for coffee weekly when I lived in Omaha.)

And then I was off again to attend an early b-day gathering at a friend's mom's house. Her mom was kind enough to extend an invite to me where they served up a BBQ meal and German Chocolate Cake - My friend's favorite cake for her b-day. So being a better friend than she even knew I overcame my huge dislike for coconut and managed to eat a slice without picking at it too much!;) Her mom said a pound and a half of butter was used in that cake! Wow!
My friend's nearly 3 year old was a bit ornery squirting his squirt gun in his mouth and then bending over my skirt while I was sitting and spit on it. (I actually thought he was going to kiss my knee or something before the spit came out - hey, you never know with kids!) He had a few other moments too where each time they'd make him apologize and he would but I wasn't totally convinced on how genuine it was on the 3rd go round. It made me think that perhaps I was sending out provoking vibes without even knowing it - but then again, I got the feeling that there really wasn't a rhyme or reason to his actions. Maybe he was tired? So many variable there. Ahh...kids!;)
During all my running around I called my director a couple times to try and arrange an exchange of the tape but managed to get voicemail both times. Guess I'll wait til Monday...
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