Breakfast at Panera! (Their new Mocha Chip Bagel is yummy!) Met up with a friend who I first met while acting in my first show in Omaha and later she hooked me up with the dresser gigs - she's pictured in the center. We caught up photographically as we shared pics of our latest adventures. We stayed long enough to see the lunch crowd build which meant it was time to split!
Yippee! I'm on my way to meet yet another friend at Valentinos Grand Italian Buffet. It somehow has become a traditional spot for us to meet - so the tradition continues!

After she went back to work, I attempted to catch up with all things internet at the FREE Wifi Scooters across the way. (Note to those in Omaha - this place is great for wifi use as it never gets very crowded.)
Met up with my bro @ the Subway near South for supper. After we sat down students from the school arrived and 2 were fighting over a full cup of pop with no lid. One kid decided that if he couldn't have it no one would and forced it to dump all over the floor and splatter our direction. The workers ordered them out immediately and one left behind their backpack. Please oh please let this not be a reflection on how the majority of that generation acts. One can hope.

Filming Time!
The guys and girl had separate dressing rooms but mine lacked a mirror so I would make use of theirs when all were ready. (That's when I took this pic.)

I discovered another challenge with acting blind is that you can't make eye contact (I wasn't wearing glasses) with your fellow actor. So what you are motivated by can't be taken from them you have to create it on your own and hope you are giving the other actor what they need. Not only that but I couldn't watch these fabulous actors act!
Always the picture taker, I hid my camera in my prop purse so I could pull it out for shots such as this one...

Although we were still a bit behind we did seem to be on track.
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