Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Network Studio East

Ever since I moved here I've been wanting to take classes, but classes ain't cheap so I put it off - hesitating to spend money on a class unless I was absolutely sure it was the best bang for my buck.

A friend of mine pointed out some workshops that may be helpful and a lot less expensive than a class. The workshops were thru Network Studio East and I decided to check a session out.

This particular session involved meeting a casting director from the Grant Wilfley Casting Agency (they cast background and under 5 lines for shows/movies such as "Sex and the City"), getting direct contact info and performing a short monologue for them so you could get feedback and of course getting an inside track on casting.

The amount of people that were there was small - which was nice. Everyone got a chance to ask questions. These were some tips she gave -

The best way to climb up the ladder from background to principal is to ALWAYS be professional - on set and with the casting director.

She says background acting is a MUST for those breaking into film/tv as it gives actors a chance to see how it all works - and it gives them a chance to network.

She also suggested not limiting yourself to getting jobs thru one casting agency. Until you sign with an agent, it is perfectly fine to be connected with more than one casting agency - more chances, more connections and more people looking at you.

Then it was time to "audition".

When I finally got called in and performed the casting director turned to the guy in charge of the workshop and said, "She knows what she's doing!"

I do? I thought.

Apparently, most of the workshop attendants were beginners. That response certainly made me feel better about the state of my monologue!

She said my head shot was cute but suggested that I do a serious rather than comedic monologue to surprise whoever I'm auditioning for. Then she asked me if I had one. I do...but it has been a while since I busted out the serious one. She asked the guy in charge if I had time to do it and he allowed it. So I did my best and she said that's what she was looking for.

Before I left she told me that she liked what I did but wanted to see more and to keep in touch with her. i.e. let her know if there's a showcase she can come and see me in.

Will do. And money well spent! :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Nora - I am wondering how things are going since you posted your blog. you can reach me at scdconsulting at yahoo.com. I would love to hear what more you have done and found out as I have a daughter - 17 eagerly trying to get into the business as well.


Anonymous said...

good to know!!