Tuesday was possibly even more super than the Sunday before in New York as the
primaries were being held on the same day as the city celebrated their
Super Bowl Champs.
A co-worker came in and talking about all the fans in Grand Central headed for the parade- his description actually reminded me of what Lincoln is like every Football Saturday. It made me realize that experience I've been a part of for several years is a lot more special than I realized. The energy that comes from celebrating and supporting a sports team is one of those things you can't do justice to by describing you just have to be there to witness it.
Alas, I couldn't witness the parade in person but CNBC did broadcast parts of it. Many of the players were videotaping the crowds as they passed by on the floats. Would be interesting to see what all they captured...
A bonus "super" was added on for me because I was attending an event @ the
Paley Center.
Gary David Goldberg & Friends. He was promoting his new
autobio and actors from
Family Ties -
Meredith Baxter &
Michael Gross,
Spin City -
Michael Boatman &
Richard Kind, and
Brooklyn Bridge -
Marion Ross were to also be in attendance.
I had never been to an event @ the Paley and was surprised that my ticket got me a free glass of wine and a choice of some tasty appetizers! Since it wasn't assigned seating for the event though I didn't linger w/ the food for long, as I wanted a decent seat!
Since I don't trust my brain to remember everything I always have a small notebook with me for events like this - when I pulled it out to ready myself for notes a gentleman beside me asked who I wrote for. Uh...the handful that read my blog?!;)
As the time came closer for the event to start Meredith popped her head out the side door and of course everyone started to quiet. Then the celebs started to enter and the audience's buzz began to get louder as everyone started to realize that Michael J Fox was among those sitting down in the front row waiting to step on stage! I was so hoping that he would have a surprise appearance since I knew he had a close relationship w/ Goldberg and there he was!!!
Wine glasses and bottles of Poland Spring Water were at the ready for each guest and the evening began with opening comments informing the audience that the event was being recorded and that besides the sold out room we were in there were 2 other sold out rooms watching the event on closed circuit television in the center.
Goldberg's memoir is titled "Sit, Ubu, Sit". Sadly, Ubu has passed and Goldberg said that he hopes he's in a "frisbee field in Dog Heaven". The familiar pic of Ubu with his frisbee was taken by his wife in front of the Louvre in Paris before Goldberg hit it big w/ Family Ties. They had only $5 to their name @ the time. He used that pic as a reminder to not forget where he came from. He said that Ubu would never allow their heads to get too big anyway - taken care of a dogs needs tend to keep you grounded...
He considers himself to be the luckiest man in America (ironic he should say that considering the title of MJ Fox's autobio). Goldberg sadly recognizes how much things have changed since he was younger. The neighborhood he remembers in
Bensonhurst doesn't exist anymore. Nor does the TV industry that he started in.
He said that the TV used to be the national campfire - simple, gracious, something the public trusts. It brought families together - that's not as true anymore...
A highlight reel was shown of the 3 shows - such a shame Brooklyn Bridge didn't last longer!
As the celebs were introduced to come on stage I was impressed that out of all the celebs sitting there, it was MJ Fox who stood up to assist Marion Ross onto the stage. As they made introductions they also pointed out that past crew members and writers that had worked w/ Goldberg were in the audience. And when Marion asked if anyone from Brooklyn Bridge was there it was pointed out that
Matthew Siegel (who played the youngest grandson) was in the audience.
Discussing Family Ties - When Family Ties first started filming, their audience would many times consist of overflow from those that had wanted to see
"Joanie Loves Chachi".
The story breakdown for a F.T. episode- pre-dance, dance and Alex apologizes.
Michael Gross said that he would often get asked for fatherly advice from fans and he would tell them to talk to the writers.
Goldberg apologized for the London episode saying that the idea was inspired by the fact that "Facts of Life" did a show in Paris. He thought - Well, if they can do a show in Paris we can do one in London!
Goldberg said that everyone had their own style of acting and he would sometimes have trouble catering to everyone's needs- however, when Courtney Cox joined the cast her only complaint was too many big words...THAT he could take care of!
When deciding whether it was time to end the series they said that there was only so many more times Alex could try to get Mallory off the phone especially with cell phones coming onto the scene. They also pointed out the odd juxtaposition of MJ Fox playing Alex while wearing a beeper in case his wife went into labor. Times were changing, it was time to end it - but once the final show wrapped there was a lingering thought...so stupid not to do the 8th season and get the money out of it!
During the 7 year run the crew hardly changed and when it ended it was truly like saying goodbye to family.
Discussing Brooklyn Bridge - Marion Ross's character was based on Goldberg's Grandmother. His grandmother commented that Marion was much prettier than she was and that Goldberg was never as good as the grandkids on the show.
Marion Ross said she used to ask the execs how the show was doing and they told her - With a hit like this, we can go bankrupt!
Ross was asked to come in twice to read for the role of the grandma before they decided she was right for it. She actually was very persistent about being considered for the role as Goldberg thought she may be too young.
When the show was cancelled, Goldberg said it was like his childhood had been cancelled.
Discussing Spin City - The amount of scenes shot for Spin City were above and beyond a standard shoot for a weekly show. Most shows last scene was labeled G. Their last scenes were labeled Double CC.
Richard Kind would ask Goldberg on more than one occasion to not be
"Skippy" and to not make him "Skippy".
-Over and over again Goldberg would reference how lucky he was to work with such talented people. No matter how good the writing...if you don't have the talent to convey it, it's not worth much.
- Goldberg quote - You always want your character to have dignity.
- The actors all commented on Goldberg's distinctive laugh and said they'd always listen for it. If they got him to laugh they knew they were doing well!
- Goldberg prided himself on being "The Protector" for his actors. He would not allow network execs to interfere.
- When asked why "Brooklyn Bridge" isn't on DVD - Goldberg had no answer. He said it was a surprise to the cast of "Family Ties" when the 1st season came out as they had nothing to do w/ it.
There was so much more shared in the evening, that at some points I had to give up jotting because there was no way to catch it all.

Managed to snap some pics w/ my camera & cell but they didn't come out all that great. You can tell who people are though...I guess...maybe? In the pic w/ Marion Ross - the young man w/ the blue on his shirt turning away is Matthew Siegel. Then the other non-group pic is of Michael Gross, Meredith Baxter Birney and MJ Fox.
Hopefully footage of the event can been seen on the Paley Center Site, soon!