Thankfully, I was going to the matinee - so hopefully, by the time I got to Brooklyn (the location of the Super Bowl party I was going to) from Midtown I wouldn't miss out on much...except maybe some commercials. ;)
August: Osage County has some powerful performances (The Mother and oldest sister, Barbara, specifically) and although the story line does provide for many jaws to drop, some of it is not new territory - for instance...a 40+ year old man making inappropriate advances on a teenage girl. It's odd to say but that story line is becoming a cliche. The "inappropriate old guy" was played by an actor I recognized from the movie "Murphy's Romance". Another actor in the show is best known to tv viewers as Meredith's Dad on Grey's Anatomy. It was nice to see him play a character that was a little more likeable - but not a lot. And for the Seinfeld fans out there, an actress in the show noted in her bio, her appearance in the "The Cigar Store Indian" episode.
The transitions from scene to scene were fascinating and mostly flawless as light would briefly be dimmed and when brought up again all the characters were in place - at least where I was sitting I didn't notice movement during the transition and the lights weren't that dark either.
Since I knew it was a 3 hr show I brought a Twix along to tide me over but alas the treat I'd baked for the party (pork & beans cake - actually a lot better than it sounds!) had successfully melted it. Unfortunately, that meant by the end of the show I was nursing a headache.
Stopped @ the Duane Reade next door to the ESPN Zone to get some water and a snack to hopefully cure myself before I arrived at the party and a line was still waiting to get into "The Zone" with people lamenting that the game had already started. Must hurry!
Finally got to Brooklyn and enjoyed the best plays of the game - I have to say...I'm not a diehard fan of the Giants but the fact that they were representing NY and had the potential to take down the Patriots - I was all for it! :) And for the first time in a while the game was better than the commercials!
And the GIANTS WON!!!!!!!
When I got back to Astoria, I came down the subway stairs and encountered a couple guys in Giants wear lamenting that there was no one out celebrating. Where's the love? I offered a "Go Giants!" as I passed and one guy jogged to catch up with me and gave me a high five w/ his friend adding - "Thanks, Sweetheart."
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