While I was waiting on the 2nd half of my flight in MN (and chugging a mocha steamer from Dunn Bros.) I complimented an older lady on her turquoise necklace. She flashed the turquoise jewelry that also covered her fingers and wrist and said - "My son owns a pawn shop and he's generous." Later she told me that the necklace actually came from QVC or HSN if I wanted one for myself - she couldn't quite remember which but admitted she spends a lot of time sitting in front of both!
Landed in Omaha to a mix of rain/sleet/snow - ahhh, Nebraska!
A friend picked me up, I dropped off my luggage w/ another friend who works downtown and then treated my driver friend to lunch @ Upstream! :) Mmmmmmmmmm.....dill havarti mashed potatoes!
Then I was dropped off @ 13th Street Coffee to meet another friend. And later Delice to meet another lovely friend and then...it was time for dinner w/ my bro @ Famous Daves! Ugh. I enjoy all those places but not so much when I don't get time to digest in between! ;)
My bro and I headed out to meet a friend @ the MAC in CB to see the FOO FIGHTERS IN CONCERT!!! Yes, I was seeing them in concert again while I could! :)

But I'm getting ahead of myself - actually made it there in time for part of the opening act show of Against Me! and my bro got to enjoy Serj - it was nice to have friends there to comment on his antics w/! ;) At times his little dances w/ the combination of the top hat he wore reminded me of Michigan J Frog.
When the Foos hit the stage, Dave apologized that they hadn't been there for 10 years - it was actually 5, but still he knew it had been entirely too long...maybe it felt like 10 years!;) The concert was sold out!

Other moments of note -

Dave dedicating "Big Me" to his "love" - Taylor.
Dave telling the audience to call in sick tomorrow "cause Dave said so."
Dave giving crap to a random audience member that was flipping him off (why would you pay money for concert tickets to flip the band off?!) Needless to say, Dave was using a lot of innuendo dealing w/ calling the audience member - cocksucker - and then apologized to young ears in the audience. Oops.

I just realized I've been up since 3:30am and it's pushing 1am the next day! Whoa...sleep would probably be good. Gotta get up @ 6:30am....later this morning. ;)
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