My friend dropped me off @
Panera on her way to work where I took advantage of their free wi-fi while waiting to meet a friend. I was wearing my
"Joba Rules" shirt ($5 @
Modell's!) and I overheard an older guy comment on it to his wife and the other couple they were sitting w/ @ a nearby table. When they were getting ready to leave, he came up to me and asked if I was a Yankees fan. I said I was a fan of
Joba. He told me I'd be a fan of the Yankees once I went to a game. Doubt it, but nice thought.

My friend arrived and after much gossiping and catching up it was already time for my next connection. The 'rents came to Panera to pick me up and then it was off to
Cheeseburger in Paradise to meet another friend for lunch. Time flew again and I was running late to meet another friend @ her house to see her new baby! Got some pics and then it was off again to
MJ Java to briefly say 'hi' to the guys I filmed Amerigo the Brave w/. They are filming their next short already and once again it is quite the challenging script! Can't wait to see what they do w/ it. Where to next? Moonlight tickets for
Cliffhanger! @ The Playhouse. Then a meal @
Camille's Sidewalk Cafe (another great place for free wi-fi!) and it was back to The Playhouse to see some of my friends in the show on opening night!
Afterwards, the cast, friends and fam went to
Old Chicago for some eats. Lots of laughs and great stories shared. (I also got the impression that if some sport store was able to sell "Joba Rules" shirts in NE they'd make a killing!)
Late again! And we still need to get to Lincoln....night.
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