Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A European Approaches...

Since yesterday I have had a headache that won't go away. A vice grip to the head. I take medicine and it dulls but still lingers and then once the meds wear off it rears it's ugly head again!

I was standing in Barnes & Noble over my lunch, looking @ clearance books and rolled my neck in an effort to work out the kinks. I noticed a guy looking at me out of the corner of my eye when I did this. I turned to get a better look and saw he was a middle aged guy who wasn't looking over anymore. I dismissed the moment and continued browsing. A few minutes later that same guy headed my direction and I moved to let him thru the aisle except he kept walking at me. Umm....I guess he wants to talk to me...

As he began to speak his European accent weirdly put me somewhat at ease. He said that he saw me rolling my neck and that he knew some massages and stretches that would help eliminate any neck and shoulder pain I might have. He proceeded to show me one move (demonstrating on himself) and repeated certain steps which made me wonder if he didn't teach this sort of thing... Then he spoke of another stretch but he needed more room to show me. He asked me to follow him to a column near by and then used that to lean on and show me the stretch. He told me if I did these stretches a few times a day I will never have shoulder or neck pain again. I thanked him for his advice and demonstration and that was the end of the exchange.

By that time it was nearing the end of my lunch so I left B&N and as I journeyed back to work I heard, then saw one taxi rear end another! Just another one of those odd encounter days in NYC.

Not sure if the stretches did the trick or not but by day's end my headache had disappeared...

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