We started the evening @ a restaurant that I actually walk past almost everyday while going to work called - Wu Liang Ye. They had a Lazy Susan in the middle of the table for people to share food but we had just enough plates that the idea didn't work very well. There still was sharing but just not spun to your plate - you had to reach! ;)
Afterwards a drink (or two) was in order....but where? We went to Mark't where I had a Peche Lambic that although pricey, for the taste it is worth it!

Then it was off to McSorley's! NYC's oldest continuously operated saloon, where the only beer choices are light or dark. We encountered a line to get in and it was just cold enough to make us rethink our decision but we waited it out and managed to get a table once inside! The place was packed so we were told to double our order while we had the server's attention! In no time @ all the multiple mugs headed our way and were slammed to the table. Drink Up!
I was later told by a co-worker that they treat the ladies well there so that's how we got the table (there were 2 guys and 2 girls in the group). So guys, if you go...make sure you have a token female along to help you get seats! ;)
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