Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Goodbyes Begin...

In addition to packing, ridding, sorting, selling, etc. I'm also scheduling! My calendar is quickly filling with various "goodbye" meetings. Weird to think that some people I'm saying goodbye to this week I may not see again for a long time, even though I'm in town for a bit longer. Everyone's schedules are just so crazy!

At any rate, my first big goodbye dinner was with a group of ladies called the "Divine D's". (So named because the original group was made of women with names starting with "D", those that were invited that didn't have "D" names had to make up one. Mine is Dora.)
What a fabulous and fun bunch! I was surprised with many going-away items. Including my very own "Divine D" black polo! They had me wear a tiara, gave me a Dora doll (and thanks to Dusty Di we now all know the words to Dora's "Friendship Song"), traveling scrapbook, "D" keychain for my new apartment keys and a Diva (did you know Avid is Diva backwards?) standing sign.

We ate @ Firebirds (I'd never been there before, I highly recommend the parm. mashed potates and pecan green beans) and I'm not sure the staff knew what to make of us. Actually, that is kind of a trend at whatever restaurant we go to! ;) So, they will carry on with their monthly (or so) dinners and I told them to comment on my blog and of course there's the traveling scrapbook.

Am meeting a former co-worker for lunch today @ the new/old or is it old/new (?) Dundee Dell and another friend at Valentino's Buffet on Saturday (can you tell I'm doing my best to hit up the local eats before I go?!;)) And then hitting up Kona Grill's Happy Hour next week with another friend!
The Sunday of Memorial Day weekend I'm attempting a Moving Sale @ my place (hopefully I will have ridded some of it out before then - have begun postings on craigslist) followed by a (small/big? who knows) Farewell Gathering not at my place. ;) And in the meantime I will continue to schedule away (and take lots of pics)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wait, come football season Valentinos will be the only thing you think of! Then you will seriously be questioning why you moved so far away to a city that doesnt even have Valentinos and for a split second you will consider moving back - if only for the cheese pizza.
I mean...this is all just speculation of course. hehe