Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Screwed! - kinda

My work day was April Fool's free and then I went to rehearsal...

On my way there I was walking along at a steady pace when all of sudden my pant leg was stepped on! I tried to proceed w/ forward motion not wanting to give the stepper attention - if they were seeking it - but whoever was stepping on my pant leg was not moving. Okay, wiseguy...I whip around to give whoever it is a piece of my mind and NO ONE IS THERE! But my pant leg is still not moving. Another tug and I realize it is caught on something in the cement - Oh great!, I think, It's probably gum! But no...it is a random screw sticking up in the sidewalk. No rhyme or reason as to why it is there and it is firmly planted in the cement. I briefly wonder if this isn't some elaborate April Fool's joke as I unhook my pant leg and look around, but then chalk it up to another strange NYC story and sigh w/ a thanks that I didn't rip a hole in my pants or actually begin to yell at the non-existent person before I saw they weren't there. ;)

A former roommate and her co-worker came to the show and we got a bite to eat @ Cosmic Diner afterwards. The guy seating told us they weren't seating groups of 3. What?! That's weird. We started to look @ each other in confusion when the guy announced it was an April Fools! Good one.

When I got home I saw that the review was posted. Very favorable and hopefully it will put more butts in the seats! :)

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