Thursday, April 24, 2008

As Seen on GMA

A week or so ago my boss mentioned something to me about a spa machine being set up in the office because he was doing a friend a favor and Good Morning America was going to film a segment.

Cut to the spa machine actually arriving. It was quite the process to deliver and set it up due to our cubicle set up and the fact that they had to load it up w/ gallons upon gallons of water (using buckets filled from our kitchen sink) - the machine massages using water pressure. Then the electrician had to come and hook everything up and after a few days of this, it was finally running! (Except for the aroma therapy as a partner didn't think that it was necessary to have it connected - I'm sure there's more to that story but that's the info I got.)

Since I'm the "actress" in the office my supervisor, boss and co-namesake of the firm all asked me separately if I'd like to be the "spokesperson" for the segment. They told me I didn't have to but knew I acted so thought it may be something I'd be interested in. Of course I was up for it but really didn't know what would be involved or what to wear, etc.

Tuesday afternoon the camera crew, rep & creator of the spa machine and a GMA reporter came to the offices and set up and chatted up a co-worker that is smaller, blonder and has an accent. I could tell they wanted to use her, but felt corned to use me as others in the office kept saying that I was "the actress". So once everything was set up, they used us both.

First, they had us line up w/ other men in the office as if we were waiting in line to use the spa. Then the reporter is supposed to brush by to cut in. We were supposed to be mad that she cut.

Then they wanted to do q&a w/ users of the spa and said they needed someone bubbly and positive. One co-worker pointed out the co-worker of GMA choice and another co-worker said, "Nora's an actress...she can be bubbly!" (Because I'm not normally I'd have to act it - har!)

Anyway, they took her in promising that they'd get to me. The reporter tells the co-worker of choice that she looks beautiful and later says how much she liked her soundbite. Then when it was my turn it was like - okay, get in here. And of course by this time I had totally psyched myself so I felt like my answers were less than stellar and when I was done the reporter said, "There's always an actress in every office. But you actually act, right? I mean, you've been in shows?!" Yes...I have.... Later another co-worker told me that she thought the reporter was pretty but then she heard her on the phone and changed her mind.

When they were all packed up and ready to leave the reporter told the co-worker of choice that she should watch for the segment on Thursday and then when she came by my desk she flatly said - thanks.

So, after all the hoopla the segment is shown in the last minutes of GMA this morning and NO INTERVIEWS were included in the segment! Sheesh. BUT you can see the back of my head in the spa and me standing in line. ;)

Will see how much longer we get to keep the spa really is nice, but you MUST wear the headset as it is LOUD too. Could easily fall asleep in there so the visuals you see as you lie in it really don't do a lot for me.

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