This blog gives further insight into the process.

After the lunch that is referred to in the blog, I then went to tech from 1-4 (during which they took publicity photos) and was tempted to go home and sleep afterward but was afraid if I did - that would be the end. So...I opted to kill time til the 7pm WWSS3 show by seeing Run, Fatboy, Run. I did feel myself drift a couple times (no fault of the movie) but managed to get thru it okay and the movie actually was better than I thought - the trailer doesn’t actually give everything away! Then off to the show - considering the time frame I was impressed w/ what everyone had come up w/ and knew it would improve w/ the 2nd show however...I had another stop to make so snuck out after the first show and went to a friend’s b-day party @ a karaoke bar @ 9pm. Needless to say I didn’t hang around long but I did make an appearance and I also didn’t wake up before noon on Sunday! ;)

Sunday night was opening night of Office Hours and we had a reviewer in the house. We had a couple opening night snags but it is good to have the first show under our belts!