Woke up dark and early to catch my flight - which was delayed just enough that I got to run as fast as one can with carry-on luggage from one end of the Detroit Airport to the other. Thankfully that plane was delayed a bit, too (de-icing).

Post lunch we visited Husker Hounds (so the Californians could get some gear) and left the boys behind to head for Michaels where my friend's grandma works. She wasn't there but my friend asked what arrangements were ones she had made. And then purchased one to take to her mom's house for the holiday and see if her grandma recognized it! ;)
Soon it was time for my next stop - iSalon, where I was getting a facial from a friend of mine. My Cali friend bid me adieu as she slid around on gutter ice, "Ice, Ice, Ice" she chanted - somewhat enjoying the snow and true winter while she was here. ;)
Ready for a facial and lots of catching up! Our convo was all over the place including her talking about being at Westroads during the shootings. She had just left VonMaur and was in Younkers when it happened. The first hint of trouble was when an announcement was made that they were locking up Younkers because there had been an "incident" in the mall. So of course many had no idea what was going on until later... Knowing someone and getting a first hand account made that news headline even more personal.
We continued to talk and I mentioned the time...and it had gotten away! I managed to keep my next ride waiting for about a half hour! Oopsy! Thankfully they were understanding and when I tried to pay my friend she told me "Merry Christmas!" I shook my head - very, very thoughtful. If you live in Omaha - I HIGHLY recommend her. In fact, I have yet to find a spot in NYC - I just make sure to visit her whenever I'm back! ;)

My "ride" took me to Scooters to have coffee and chat some more! I had sent gifts to them prior to my arrival and they had waited to open them until I got there. (The sock monkey hat was one of the gifts - purchased in Union Square!)
All too soon, it was time for another switch off - my parents arrived @ Scooters to take me back to Lincoln. But first...we'd make a stop @ Valentino's Grand Italian Buffet!!!
Had a few things to pick up once we hit Lincoln so we stopped at Target! Oh Target - how I've missed you so! By the time we got out of the store it had started to lightly snow.
When we got home, the family cat's name - Purrvis - was ready to spill from my mouth as I opened the door. But then I had to stop myself. Sadly, the cat we had since my bro and I were in junior high passed just a couple weeks before I got back. I knew my parents had been having a tough time but I didn't fully realize the impact of his passing until I entered the house. It seemed VERY empty. It was so weird. And sad. Of course, I tried not to dwell on the sitch as I didn't want to make adjusting to life post-cat worse but it surprised me at how such a little animal could have such a huge impact on a house/household. My brother got a brick at the Nebraska Humane Society in honor of Purv. So if you ever go there - maybe you'll see it. He is certainly missed.
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