Last year for Admin. Assistant Day I had gotten a gift card @ Spezia from AP and had yet to use it when I moved so I gave it to my bro to use on his gf & the 'rents. Well...it still hadn't been used so...thus the lunch @ Spezia! None of us had been there before - it was very good and nice that we had the gift card to help with the bill! ;)
Post lunch I rode w/ my bro to his gf's apt so see her pup in person (he was featured on her Xmas card) and in turn, pick his gf up as the whole fam was going to see the g'rents in Iowa. (More importantly this would be the first time the gf would meet the extended fam.)
Both g'rents have been having health issues and much like the cat situation - hearing about it and actually SEEING it are two entirely different things. My grandpa doesn't look like himself and he is startlingly weak. It is more than worrisome. The docs continue to do tests on him as their "solutions" don't seem to be helping much. The visit went all too quickly and it was time to head back NE way. I think the gf did okay...my g'rents aren't high-pressure, they were just excited to meet her! ;)
One convo point of note as we traveled back and forth - my brother's gf filmed a commercial! It is for Bellevue University - if you live in the area you've probably seen her on TV. If not, you can check her out on this website. (She's in the bottom square in the stack on the right.)
When we landed in Lincoln again my 'rents dropped me off @ the original Misty's to meet some Lincoln friends for supper. I'd never been to Misty's before - one of the it restaurants in town. I had heard a lot about it though and was a bit amused by what I saw when I got there - as one of the friends @ the table said...it is like all the small town NE steakhouses wrapped into one. He's exactly right.
Since I had no car, one of my friends became my taxi and we ran a few errands - including a stop @ Gordmans! - before she took me back to the homestead.
Already 2 days down!
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