I knew Mr. Ks was kinda a big deal place as I had made reservations for my boss there before had no idea how different this dining experience would be compared to the standard fare my pocketbook can afford. (Prior to this my most impressive restaurant experience was Morton's in Orlando and now that pales in comparison...)
First of all we were ushered to a table where the seats against the wall was an extended plush

We were asked if we wanted appetizers and something to drink. One of the namesake's of the company asked if anyone was ordering wine or beer. Can we do that?! No one did - so I didn't try it. Those that were paying said yes to appetizers, though. I was expecting the standard plates of various items to pick from, but instead...everyone got their own individual plate - no pulling pieces off a community plate. I wasn't totally sure what I was eating but it tasted good! A corsage was brought out for each of the women @ the table. A gold stand was placed near each plate to hold spoons and chopsticks and lemon sorbet was brought out for us to cleanse our palette before the main course was served.
Those with the money asked for a variety of items that we could share and once again - the variety was brought out on individual plates.
As we ate our meal, the other namesake of the company spoke about how he knew the Stillers and how he played with Ben as a child but didn't remember any good stories from the experience.
Once the main course was finished it was time for desert. This time there was no variety platter but some ordered and shared. Fancy coffee was made right at our table - it looked like a science experiment with water and grounds mixing between tubes and glass beakers.
The meal of course took way over my standard hour but when you're with the higher ups - the delay is excusable. ;)
Cut to my subway ride home....
Standing on a crowded subway, I notice a guy reading something beside me that looks like it might be a script...I was trying to be curious without him noticing but apparently was noticed as he started talking to me.
He asked me if I would mind reading his story and giving him feedback - he'd be getting off the subway soon so I didn't have to read it all. He was writing from a woman's perspective and said he'd talked and listened to a lot of his female friends for inspiration but wanted to see if he was on the right track. I wasn't sure what I was about to read - was this a very convoluted pick up attempt?!
The script went on to talk about a girl that was observing men and what she wanted, etc. Thinking he was getting off soon I didn't read very far before I attempted feedback. I was told that a few pages beyond it turned into kind of a spy story. Ohkay. I asked him if he'd seen the "Chuck" he said he really didn't watch tv. I said that it read like a play/screenplay and shared that I was a playwright. As the convo kept going and as I was becoming more and more aware that his stop "coming up" seemed to not be, he asked where I was from originally and I said Nebraska. A guy sitting below us, made a face and I acknowledged him. He said he was originally from Omaha and was a writer, too! So in an attempt to shake this guy I tried to guide the convo into just being between the 2 guys but it wasn't happening. ALL of us get off @ the Ditmars stop. I tell the guy from Omaha that it was nice to meet him and am lectured by the other guy that he never says goodbye when getting off a subway because you are bound to run into them again as you are exiting and then it is just awkward. Noted. Needless to say I managed to finally separate from the guy and oops...didn't get a goodbye in.
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