So, I trekked over there after work and when I got off the subway the masses were already congesting the area before we even got above ground! The amount of people did give me pause...is this worth it? Will I actually be able to see anything once I struggle thru these bodies? I was urged on by the occassional open pocket of true walking (not inching) and then the crowds converged and got even worse! I can't even imagine what the parade must be like and the lighting of the Rockefeller Tree? Forgettaboutit. JetBlue was on hand giving out free cups of cocoa. (One guy had a rocket blaster looking dispenser strapped to his back and a guy stood on either side of him with cups to fill.) I started to wait for a cup but then decided against it - I still had a street to cross and about a block to go in this crowd and hot cocoa with no lid probably wouldn't be mix well with that scenario. I trekked on...past garbage cans overflowing with the remnants of an apparent earlier promo - half eaten bags of chips.

Once the street was crossed, the block left seemed to turn into the Vegas strip where you can see your destination but it takes FOREVER to get there. I know this is a mostly family event but if I had a kid in a stroller I would NOT subject them to those crowds - they are just too vulnerable down there with people shoving by or having their parents use them as a plow to get thru people. Yikes!

I wish they would have had a flyer or something that would have told about how many people it takes

Note: The lit up creature was a dinosaur in front of the Museum. Also, I found this youtube clip from a year ago that gives a good moving visual of the experience...
When I watched the news (two sides of the block had balloons, the other two had news vans) they said the nice weather made the crowds bigger - so maybe on a not so nice day there are less people?! Once again - will maybe check and see next year!

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