Once again we scored seats in front of the big screen and we watched as Nebraska struggled to keep and gain a lead on Ball St. A struggle that shouldn't have been...
As the game clock ticked, the nails of Husker fans were getting shorter. A lone Ball St. fan was very vocal and kinda seemed to have a chip on his shoulder even though no Husker fan trashed talked him. And then non-Huskers/Ball Staters started to invade. There was a drunken group that started to crowd our space with one sitting on the arm of a couch where a couple of my friends were sitting and putting his drink down on the table with ours. Uh? At first we thought he was a fan - but no, he was just drunk and falling into my friend. My other friend asked him to move. He did, but not without having to explain himself and although he was asked nicely him and his drunk friends decided that they needed to flex their man muscle and start beating on the couch my friends were sitting on, spilling their drinks on it and make loud comments about how they were true New Yorkers and that we needed to go back and watch the game with our season tickets, blah, blah. So brave considering our group consisted of 4 girls and 1 guy. Jackasses.
More than just Husker Pride was riding on a win - we knew that a win was the only thing that would make them shut up!
Thankfully, the Huskers did win. Whewy!
Afterward, I was ready to decompress in front of a movie so back to Times Square I went. This time I saw Across the Universe. I knew that visually it would be a good movie to see on the big screen but wasn't sure about content. I had already heard a review by Roeper comparing it to Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. And although it does have celeb cameos and Beatles songs like the former - Sgt. Pepper's still holds the cheese title.
Lots of inside winks to Beatles songs from character names to visuals and one liners. A handful of celeb cameos with the best being from Bob Seger - except his painted on pimp hair was a bit much.
When I got home I looked up more info and saw that most of the songs were sung live when filming and that Rachel Evan Woods took only one take for "If I fell". An impressive feat in the age of lip synching Britney.
The storyline itself was a bit forced at times to fit with certain songs but going in with somewhat low expectations I was pleasantly surprised. Am curious to see where Jim Stugess's career goes after this... And Wow! Dana Fuchs! Modern day Janis and I enjoyed the what if? look at a pseudo Janis/Jimi relationship in the movie.
Beatles songs are still running thru my head...
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