There was no rhyme or reason to the display of items, you just had to sift thru as they continued to bring out more boxes! The sale ran from 10-6 and a person could have easily stayed there all that time thoroughly going thru books - let alone going thru clothes! (I didn't venture the clothing direction. It looked to be more of a mad house than the book area.)
As my stack grew bigger I had to remind myself that whatever I bought I still had to carry home. Had I owned a car, the damage may have been a bit more severe! ;)

They had food for purchase available - tempting pies from Pies & Thighs (someday I will try, but not today) and had freebies from condoms (the event was to raise money for the fight against AIDS) to energy drinks.

Afterwards it was time to get a late lunch, which turned into more of a snack as my friend pointed out Rice to Riches (as seen in "Hitch"). An all rice pudding shop

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