He showed only a handful of stories but you know there are so many more out there. People who have to choose between which finger they think they can better afford to reattach, people who lose loved ones to cancer and other illness due to denials and limits on where a person can go to for service and volunteers from 9/11 who were shut out of healthcare help from the government since they didn't work for the government. They volunteered unselfishly and now they will suffer for a lifetime.
Examples of how healthcare ran in other countries were given (made me seriously consider moving to London if I ever get married and want to have a family - costs involving hospitalization are "free" - covered by taxes) and a common theme that was brought up was that unlike the U.S. the government in these countries are afraid of the people. They know they could revolt and overturn them if they don't try to keep them happy. In the U.S. the people are afraid of the government. Many so buried by debt from school, credit, medical bills uncovered by insurance, etc that they are afraid to buck any system because they might lose their mediocre job that pays the bills. Sad.
I was talking to some people about the movie and one person was from France - a country that Moore showed as an example of universal healthcare. He said that the system was starting to collapse. The grass is always greener I suppose - good and bad for both ways, but when 9/11 volunteers can't even get help that's pretty bad.
With all that said, I do recommend seeing it. You can probably wait til video, but it is certainly worth watching and discussing.

Later in the day I again met up with my friends to try for the Wicked lottery and then Drowsy Chaperone. Two friends decided to just buy discounted tickets for Drowsy before the lottery just to make sure they got them - and then one of them won the lottery!
Because of a cheaper ticket being available, I was finally able to see my first Broadway show since moving here. And what a show! It is a funny, tight and clever show. Most of the original cast is still there with "newbies" Jo Anne Worley and John Glover. The show closes in August and will be going on tour - so if you haven't seen it, perhaps it will be coming to a city near you! Not sure if fan favoritie - Danny Burstein will be touring with the show or not, his Aldolpho is priceless. But the original Mrs. Tottendale (Georgia Engel) will be.
I need some sleep....
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