After I left Pier 46, I headed to the Merchant's House. A place that I first heard of when I went on the "Ghosts on Broadway" tour.
I had looked up events on their site and found they were going to have a class called - "Flirting with Fans". I had never heard of such a thing so I decided to find out what this "secret language by fan" was all about and see the Merchant's House.
After hearing about the Merchant's House, I had expected it to be a lot more impressive than it was. Repairs are being done right now so it looks even more worse for wear but it is rare to see a house relatively untouched from an era in the past. They provide you with a binder full of info for a self guided tour thru each room. They also have staff on hand to answer any questions you may have or to allow you a closer look in some areas of the house. If you are interested in seeing it - I would suggest going to view it when an event is happening - more bang for your buck that way! ;)
The backyard was my favorite spot - very peaceful...until a couple sat down near me and the man had to read out loud to the woman what was written in the tour book. Really? Ohhkay....
It was getting closer to fan flirting time so I ventured inside for a seat.
The program was great and very well presented by the staff. Besides the info about fan flirting they also explained a bit about the history of the fan itself - it was a high profile accessory for a time with ornate handles being the focus. Apparently there were originally 50 different messages that could be expressed by fan back in the day but only 30 were translated to English. Of course, in order for the practice to work - the men had to know what this "secret" language meant, too (so ladies, make a copy of the following messages and start handing it out and then get those fans a flappin - may be easier than trying to make convo in a bar!;))
Carrying in right hand in front of face: Follow Me
Carrying in left hand in front of face: Desirous of acquaintance
Placing it on left ear: I wish to get rid of you
Drawing across the forehead: You have changed
Twirling in the right hand: I hate you
Partially open and drawing across cheek: I love you
Presented shut: Do you love me?
Drawing across the eyes: I am sorry
Touching tip with finger: I wish to speak to you
Letting it rest on right cheek: Yes
Letting it rest on left cheek: No
Quickly open and shut: You are cruel
Dropping it: We will be friends
Fanning slowly: I am married
Fanning quickly: I am engaged
With handle to lips: Kiss me
Open wide: Wait for me
Carrying in left hand, open: Come and talk to me
Placed behind head: Don't forget me
With little finger extended: Goodbye
The shut fan held to heart: You have won my love
The shut fan resting on the right eye: When may I be allowed to see you?
Presenting a number of sticks, fan part opened: At what hour?
Threaten with shut fan: Do no be so imprudent
Gazing pensively at the shut fan: Why do you misunderstand me?
Pressing the half-opened fan to the lips: You may kiss me
Clasping the hands under the open fan: Forgive me I pray you
Cover the left ear with open fan: Do not betray our secret
Shut the fully opened fan very slowly: I promise to marry you
***There was one style of fan that made it MUCH easier by actually having questions printed on one side of the fan and answers on the other side.***
It is said that fan flirting was a way for women to "talk" with men nearby without the chaperone noticing.
Of course, I couldn't help but think of the modern day fans and the flirting possibilities....it would basically consist of talking back and forth like Darth Vader. ;)
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