It took a while for them to get from the airport to their hotel. By the time they did, they were ready to eat - so we went to F.A.T.S. They had the College World Series on television! Always amazed at how nice Omaha looks during the CWS. Not that Omaha looks shabby - but the tv makes it look...better.
The eats were okay - but I'd probably go back to BRGR before Fat Annie's Truck Stop.
Now it was time to walk off the food from FATS and do some site seeing! We headed to Bryant Park and the New York Library. I hadn't been to the library, nor explored Bryant Park. Bryant Park is a GREAT place to read and just relax. In fact, they've got an "open air library" called a Reading Room, where you can read the newspaper or other books/periodicals that are on hand while you are enjoying the outdoors. The New York Library has (among other things) the Gutenberg Bible on display. Had it not been for my mother (the children's librarian) I probably would not have known or thought to go to the library and see what there is to see there...

Our next stop was Grand Central Station. We tripped upon a cool display while looking at the standards of GCS. It was sponsored by Turner Classic Movies – Architecture in Film: Celluloid Skyline: New York & Movies. They had a massive timeline as well as actual set pieces (the 'rents posed in front of one that included the Queensboro Bridge) used in backgrounds to represent parts of NYC in movies. I continue to be amazed by the endless amount of info and places to explore in NYC. One should never claim boredom here.

My dad did not like having to battle all the people, saying that he much preferred Philly over NYC (they visited there last year and actually spoke of moving there if they could).
We ate at Bubba Gump's (yes, it is a tourist trap but none of us had eaten there and it is a movie favorite - quotes from the movie are used often by the fam.) The sign the folks are posed with could be switched to a red "Stop Forrest Stop" sign if you wanted the waiter/waitress's attention.

Soon it was time to call it a night. Tomorrow is the big visit to the Statue of Liberty!
Speaking of the CWS...
My brother and I went Monday night. Somehow, he'd scored free last minute tix the day before to two unbelievably good seats--in the first available row directly behind home plate. (He'd gotten them from a local auto mechanic's shop as a goodwill gesture after he'd complained that he thought he'd been getting a raw deal from them. Complaints do pay off sometimes, I guess.)
We had the kind of seats that VIPs used to have in the days before luxury boxes. The ESPN cameraman who worked behind the window in the wall behind home plate was close enough to touch. (Er, we didn't; that would've been weird.) We were able to see the tiny readout on the radar gun that ESPN used to clock the pitches.
So, of course, the game itself turned out to be lousy. Oregon State beat Arizona State 12-6, and it wasn't even that close because OSU jumped out to a huge lead early and ASU didn't have more than one run until--I dunno--the seventh or eighth.
Yes, I'm sure you're riveted by this recap... :)
Anyhow, since my brother and I decided to take a shuttle bus from a hotel near his place in kinda-sorta West O to avoid parking hassles and expenses, we weren't able to ditch the game early. The return shuttle buses don't leave Rosenblatt until half an hour after the game concludes, which in our case happened to be midnightish because not only was our game not exactly a pitcher's duel, it had started late because the earlier game that day went thirteen innings and was more than half an hour longer than any other game in CWS history. And, of course, both my brother and I have early starts to our workdays (6:30 for me, 5 AM for him) so getting through Tuesday for us was kinda rough.
Well, as someone once said, life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get...
Your parents are so cute!
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