My first official audition in NYC! No reading of scripts like in Omaha - here you must have monologues and I just don't feel like I've found THE monologue yet (or maybe I just don't have it totally prepared like I should) I didn't walk away feeling the best about it and callbacks came and went so it is safe to assume that I won't be in that particular show...oh well. Better things to come, right?!
Then it was off to meet up with the 'rents @ the American Museum of Natural History - while riding on the subway this gal came on that had her eyes all bejeweled and she was trying to futz with something in her bag while holding a drink from Dunkin' Donuts. She finally looked at the closest stranger to her and asked if they would hold the drink before she spilled it. The stranger really wasn't given a choice as the drink was thrust upon them. Once she was settled a guy came up to her and asked her how long it took to do her eyes - a half hour, she said. Adding that she was headed to The Mermaid Parade @ Coney Island and wanted to be in the spirit. The guy - now in full "hit on" mode asked her how long it took her to take the jewels off and she joked - a half hour. The banter continued - not sure whether the guy was successful with his approach as I had come to my stop.
Apparently while my parents were waiting on me on the stairs in front of the museum, they said that someone near them announced that Ashton Kutcher had just jogged passed. My mom added - if it was the guy I think it was, he ran into me! Rude, Mr. Kutcher, Rude! ;)

Got inside the museum to find that it is not exactly like how it is portrayed in the movie - Night @ the Museum. I overheard one little girl ask her dad if one of the Native Americans in a display was Sacajawea. He had to explain she was just in the movie. But the Easter Island Statue is there - with kids standing around it saying "Dum Dum".
Another movie reference can be found there too - the giant whale and squid that is visited in the movie - The Squid and the Whale.
There is SO MUCH packed into that museum! We got there @ 3ish and it closed @ 5:45 - and some of the exibits we rushed or totally skipped. One ginormous planet display actually is a callback to the

While exploring the Stegosaurus exhibit I turned a corner to see a younger guy and woman and an older man blocking the path. At first I was a little irritated as they clearly weren't looking at the exhibit, just talking and then I got a better look at the younger guy and realized it was David Blaine! I circled around the other direction thinking that I'd take a pic of the Stegosaurus (he would have been to the right of this pic)

After Big Nick's we walked ov

Wow That is some serious Multi-state cupcake bashing right there! This Crumbs place isnt the next big 'Pinkberry' fiasco waiting to happen is it??
I must look up Pinkberry as I have no idea what you are talking about...Hmm..looks good, what was the fiasco?
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