Notice has been given @ work. Notice was already in @ my current apartment. Can hopefully jump in with temp work as soon as I "land" on the east coast. And I've got a sublet in Queens thru August - here's a pic.

See the lady in blue? (Standing by the alley.) That's the land lady I'll be living upstairs in the building she's standing near.
Now begins the HUGE challenge of narrowing my stuff down to fit in a mini van. Yes, NO moving van for me - I'm selling my car and renting a mini van to take me and my stuff cross country. My bro has been so kind as to join me for the ride - his first time in NYC. So we'll take off on May 31st and plan on hitting my new digs on June 1st. Then June 2nd we'll do a very, very condensed version of site seeing before he takes off on the 3rd.
So back to the narrowing down of stuff...oy. For those that have seen my apartment, you REALLY know how much of a challenge this is. I loaded up 3 large bags of Goodwill items from my bedroom last night and I felt like I'd really accomplished something, until I walked into my living room. So much to do! Am starting to post stuff on craigslist today. Keep your fingers crossed that it all sells. I just have to keep plugging away and narrowing. And trying my best not to have TOO many items sent back to my mom and dad's for storage.
And in addition to all the packing and ridding there's all the details in between - new address forms, prepping for training the new person @ work, transferring all my files on my humongo computer to my lap top or discs, laundry, laundry, laundry, deep cleaning, okay...can't continue with the list - must just get stuff done!
Howdy soon to be neighbor! Glad to see the official announcement as well as your postings on your new blog. Long live the technorati.
Nora! Wow! That doesnt look scary at all! Well, except for that lady in blue of course.
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