Since my last day @ work, it has been a mad scramble of schedules, packing and many, many trips to goodwill. Up until Sunday all my energy was spent on pulling stuff together for my moving sale. My parents have made several trips to Omaha to help where they could so that has helped some.
Sunday came and went and only 10 people showed up for the sale. I really hadn't thought about the possibility of that scenario but it happened. And since Monday was Memorial Day things couldn't be taken to Goodwill until Tuesday morn. Ugh. LOTS of trips. And it was hard to pack and sort when the sale stuff was still taking up space.
Thankfully I had a distraction from that disappointment...My farewell gathering. Memorial Day weekend was just a bad time for sales and parties but I was able to visit with some people before I left.
Here's a group shot of some of those that were there...

*"The Waitress" was good - except I didn't like the one-dimensional character of the hubby. And knowing the story about Adrienne Shelley made it a little sad to see her on screen knowing it was her last film. It is worth watching - but it is okay to wait til video.
After the movie, Monday was spent just gathering all the sale stuff into boxes for Goodwill. Then trips to Goodwill on Tuesday, rehearsal for "Trip to Bountiful" on Tuesday afternoon and then a friend of mine came into town about midnight and we stayed up until 5am packing. Woke up @ 9am to get the day started again...packing, sorting, ridding, cleaning...packing, sorting, ridding, a cab ride to the airport to pick up my Dodge Grand Caravan, then off to another rehearsal back home briefly to realize that in all the flurry it would be the last time I see my parents for a while. Of course the realization of the official goodbye came after I had put on my makeup for the Bountiful performance. I didn't even get to say goodbye to my dad as he was off on a trip to Goodwill.

And the time kept to the Joslyn! The performance went well - thankfully. (We even got flowers!) I made a few more contacts too. As well as say more goodbyes. And there was a lady from Metro Magazine that took a pic of me and others that were standing around during the reception- so check next month's issue! ;)
I also got a pic w/ Joel Vig, one of my Bountiful co-stars and also the person who adapted the script for radio as well as produced and directed the show.

Wished I had had more time to see more of the conference, but alas...
Made time for a food break with another friend (Upstream's mashed potatoes with dill havarti cheese melted on top, yum!) and then headed home. Went to bed @ midnight and got up @ 4am to finish packing and start loading...
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