In many ways, "Ladies Night" ended up feeling more like Opening Night than the actual opening show d

My 'rents surprised me by sending flowers to the office, I met friends for dinner prior to the show and was given another bouquet and then another friend gave me flowers at the theater! (I think that's probably the most flowers I've gotten for a any occasion ever!)
The snag was that I was carrying 4 different boxes that held 4 different flavors (c

We set out the cupcakes and had the wine ready and once we opened the house it was like "this is your New York". People from work, previous shows, new friends and old arrived and made me realize just how far I've come since moving here. They actually came to see my show - some hadn't even seen me act before but they were making an effort to see something that I wrote and directed. It was pretty cool. Even cooler was the fact that everyone seemed to enjoy the show (and the cupcakes - teehee).
Having this group of people come out to support me really meant a lot and made me realize how lucky I am to have such people in my lives! And having an almost full house nearly made up for only having 4 people in the audience the night before.... ;)
Overall, I'd say Ladies Night was a success and now the cast gets a bit of a break before the final 2 shows next weekend!
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