Friday, August 1, 2008

Lunch Hour Chat

I'm not sure what brought it on but my tummy has not been very agreeable today. As lunch got closer I thought of what actually sounded good - mashed potatoes? A creamy chocolate concoction? A clear decaf carbonated beverage? Or maybe something w/ grease. (I know, it's weird what sounds good when you aren't feeling well...)

So lunch came and I decided to see what the specials were @ the pubs on 45th. The Perfect Pint listed Chocolate Mouse Cake. And we have a winner....

I stepped inside and placed my order "to go" deciding to add the fish & chips to see if grease would help if the chocolate didn't do the trick.

I tipped the bartender and he immediately returned the slip to me and said in his Irish brogue that I didn't need to tip him.  Adding that he used to tip for everything (even service @ the 7-11) and finally after 5 years of marriage his wife said "enough"!   Then he asked if I wanted a glass of water while I waited. 

One of the patrons made room for me @ the bar while I waited and drank my water.  He also had an Irish brogue and struck up a conversation w/ me.

He informed me that he had been working on the construction site next door but was now on leave as he accidently dropped a saw on his leg and ended up w/ 42 stiches.  He was only in the area today because he had to fill out paperwork.  He said it was the first time in 28 years that he had injured himself on the job and that he was lucky that the cut didn't hit any tendons.  (Apparently, he was told by the docs that worked on him that a few weeks earlier a 22 yr old guy came in w/ a similiar injury only the tendons were cut and he ended up losing his leg.)  

The patron went on to tell how he plans on retiring in 6 years at the age of 58 and enjoy his house w/ his wife on Long Island.  

There was a pause in conversation as we overheard the bartender talking to someone else.  The patron said he enjoyed listening to people w/ an Irish accent because they always sound happy, it's like a song...   He went on to say that he had never been to Ireland but was hoping to go soon as he has relatives that live there and is the only one of his immediate family who hasn't been there.

My food arrived and I told the patron that it was nice talking to him, wondering what else I would have heard had I stayed...  

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