Already time to head home today. My

friend said I had to try the local chain
"Finagle A Bagel" before I left so that's what I had for breakfast! Once we got to the station I decided I needed something caffeinated, too so we stopped at the ABP kiosk (my friend kept saying this and I didn't have a clue what she was talking about until we got to the counter - Oh!
Au Bon Pain! Got it.)

The bus was a bit fuller and not as cushy on the way back. Seemed to feel every bump in the road and there was no break this time. I was in and out of sleep but jotted down what I saw along the way. As I'm re-reading it though, I can tell I was half asleep when I wrote some of it because I can't tell what the heck I was talking about! lol
Here's what I could decipher -
-Assumption Cemetery - the name intrigued me
Danbury Mint-Drove past a lake where all the boats were sealed up tight with what looked like white plastic wrap- having not really lived near boats before this was something new to me....the boats are bound to be "fresh"come spring! ;)
"Omaha Beef" with hq in Danbury, CT
- A truck hauling a product called
Belle & Evans Air Chilled Chicken. Made me curious as to how the air chill made the chicken special...
After the non-stop ride and then more riding on a subway the first thing I did when I got home was go to the gym! ;)
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