The car service picked me up and on the way to the airport the driver told me in his thick Greek accent that I was the first person he picked up that early that didn't complain about being tired. He said when he hears these people he thinks - You are going on vacation! How can you be tired? If you are tired stay home and sleep!
He asked where I was going and said it was nice there but he would never go in the water. He highly recommended Santa Barbara. However, nothing could compare to his Greece. I told him that is on my list of places to visit someday. He told me not to put it off. The water, the clima - he said I'd fall in love with it all.
When he found out I was from Nebraska he asked why I would want to live in New York and also said he could tell from my voice that I was from that area - who knew I had an accent?! He said Nebraska and Iowa had nice people (he has traveled/lived all over the U.S.). New York, he doesn't have much appreciation for.
Once I got settled on the plane my tiredness crept in. My eyes opened long enough to see that the latest Harry Potter movie was playing and to receive my breakfast of cereal and a banana! :)
Switched planes at Houston and this time around they showed Nancy Drew - which I happened to stay awake for and was pleasantly surprised by.
I also managed to get pelted by a free-wheeling chunk of ice that the flight attendant lost control of, then the attendant on the other side of the cart lost track of a plastic cup that ricocheted off me and then as we started to land a flight attendant that was headed for her seat lost her balance and fell into me. The guy beside me assured me that the bullseye on my back was no longer there as I exited the plane.
I arrived @ LAX shortly after 11am. After getting lunch we checked out the thrift stores in her NoHo (North Hollywood)/Burbank neighborhood, including - It's a Wrap! A thrift store that sells clothes that were worn on the set of various movies and television shows. They even mark the tags so you know which show - many were from the soaps. Fun to look - but we didn't see anything that was deemed bargain worthy price wise.

Time for my friend to head to the theater for call and I took a nap! Her hubby was nice enough to take me to the theatre for showtime and on our way I began reading texts from friends about how badly NE was doing against Mizzou. Ugh.
Picked up my ticket under "Nora Jones" - My friend's nickname for me and thus it is my name to all those that know me thru her. ;)
The show was performed in a blackbox theatre - much more intimate than it's east coast musical counterpart. And it was very interesting to compare and contrast the play's storyline with the musical version. It was also great to see my friend on stage! She spilled tears at one point and I almost cried with her! It was fantastic and I'm so glad I went to see her! :)
Later I heard that perhaps the performance I'd seen might have been just a bit sharper had the cast not stayed out late, late the night before. The director made a comment about them looking tired....ooopsy.
I had brought mini cupcakes from Crumbs for my friend to share with the cast and so I was greeted with many hugs when introduced to them after the show. They seemed to be very a friendly group even if I hadn't of brought goodies - I was glad to see my friend had a nice group to act with.
After the show some of us went to a traditional hang out for the cast - NoHo Diner. And as we sat there and noticed the time my friend pointed out that converting the time to east coast I had been up for about 24 hrs! Whoa.
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