Monday, February 7, 2011

Dusting off the Cobwebs

It has been over a year since I saved "notes" in a draft that in theory would become a posted blog. It's been much longer that I actually posted one! Eesh.

I suppose my lack of blogging could be directly connected to the time I decided to join "the social network" and began posting "status" updates rather than detailed blogs. To be sure, my lack of blogs didn't mean I had nothing to report, it just meant that updating a status was much easier than writing a detailed blog! ;)

So why revisit blogging now? Well...part of it was inspired by my website losing many of it's updates since I moved here nearly 4 years ago thanks to a "GoDaddy" hosting issue in which they insisted that I canceled my hosting through them (when I fact I didn't) and that they'd be happy to put all the info back on for $200. Although my web developer friend is updating it as best he can, (so I don't have to pay $200) it does take time and one of the items that got deleted was my "current events" calendar.

What's the problem with that you say? Well...when I submit my headshot/resume for auditions and mention my website for reference, people now go to my website and probably see tumbleweeds. A blog that hasn't been updated for awhile and with no dates on my resume, a stranger wouldn't know how old (or new) those credits are so there's one reason to blog....

Another reason? Because lately, I feel like I've slumped into a bad habit of thinking in "status updates". i.e. The instantaneous nature of many things in this "modern" life has caused me to lose patience for things that might take a bit longer that I used to do all the time! So it's a purposeful way to make me slow down and reflect - and hopefully still be readable to the outsider (otherwise I might as well put this into a journal! ;))

Anywho... So clearly a lot has happened since I last posted. And what is this "a lot" that's been happening? Well... My baking venture Nibbles by Nora Inc is continuing to grow as I figure out how best to grow it. I love creating new recipes and recently I've even tried my hand at entering a few contests...results pending. You can "follow" my progress in the baker biz here. (My website will soon feature a blog as well.)

Last year about this time, actors had just been cast in a show made up of one-acts all written by me called "Almost Olive Juice"! ArtEffects was kind enough to produce this show and I met a lot of talented actors/directors and got to see the work of some actors/directors that I knew already, too!

Thus began my "year of the writer" as I didn't act as much as write. I had one-acts appear at Gallery Players for their Black Box Festival and Just Ask Productions for their "One Night Stand" Competition. And I gave myself a goal to complete another full length (yet to be produced) that was an extension of an one-act that "had legs" - "Anniversary Special". Which notably got it's start and won best play at a Phare Play 21 Hour Play Festival. It is the 2nd full length I've written and although revisions are still forthcoming I would like to see it produced eventually and have ideas to write more...but currently it seems my writing brain has temporarily been taken over by my baking brain.

Acting! I'm itching, itching to get back into acting but am trying to be patient (there's that word again) as the role that fits my "type" has not come around lately. I keep auditioning though so I don't get rusty - and people remember that I do act in addition to writing! ;)

Last year was filled with lots of travel - another reason why writing became more prevalent than acting. (Trips can be easier to plan around writing than a rehearsal or show run schedule!) Although it altered my schedule, I did love getting the opportunity to see new places or revisit ones I had seen for a second look. The funny thing is that as the new year approached this year, I had NO trips on my calendar - something that hasn't happened since I moved here! A bit of a switch and certainly a sign that there's no telling what lies ahead! Maybe that just means I'll have more visitors this year! :)

I still love exploring NYC but admittedly am not as gung-ho on it as I was when I first moved here. A friend of mine recently brought up the idea of a "NYC Bucket List". A list of things you want to do but never get around to doing it because you figure since you live here you have time and then it never happens. I totally dig this idea and am trying to use it to revitalize my explorations. Needless to say, my list is getting long - there's just never a reason to say you are bored in this city!

In an attempt to keep this somewhat brief, I'll end with this - My goal (to add to the pile of them) is to write an update at least once a month on this blog. I can surely get that done, right?! Why sure!

In the meantime, I shall get a few other goals taken care of and I hope you do, too!