Today is the day...FINALLY! After 2 plus years of campaigning the election most Americans and much of the world has been waiting for is here!
Since I saw Rockefeller Center yesterday I decided to head to Times Square today to see how other news outlets were covering the event.
About the time I got to the Toys R Us area, I heard, "Obama Condoms! Get your Obama Condoms here! If you use them the Giants will play better!" Wha-huh?! I continued on to the ABC studios.
ABC was still setting up so I decided to cross over and see if the MTV studios were doing anything as "Rock the Vote" had a booth set up near The Early Show this morning. On my way there I heard another guy announcing that he not only had Obama Condoms but McCain and Palin Condoms, too! How much were they selling those for? And were they actually selling?! I saw a tourist taking a picture of the box on his cell. Something tells me more pics were taking than condoms bought but I could be wrong....

MTV studios had nothing but CNN had set up a big screen and was handing out free pretzels, popcorn and coffee to those that were using the
new TKTS stairs to watch the latest election coverage. I crossed over to inspect further and saw they were also making buttons for people to wear. They had 2 templates available. One said - "I'm Pro (blank) and the other said (Blank) for President. I stood in line to get mine made - I'm Pro America. I know that may be cheesy but honestly, I just hope that whoever gets elected just leaves the office in 4 years in better shape than they got it. I would hope that's what most Americans want when it comes down to it, whether "their candidate" got in or not. Only time will tell on that one though...hoping for the best.

The guys putting the buttons together were down to one button maker as the other one kept jamming. I asked one of them how long they'd been there. He said that he'd been there since 6am and after clean up he guessed they wouldn't be leaving until 2am. He was hoping it wouldn't rain. So far so good...
After I got my button, I headed for the Fox News Studios. They had their main stage set up but were in the process of setting up an area for those that wanted to watch updates.
As I headed back to work I noticed a table set up w/food and knew their must be filming in the area. I heard a guy stop a member of the crew and heard him say they were filming a new series. I continued on and me and other pedestrians ran right into the filming area. We were told to clear out and I noticed Bobby Cannavale standing there and also noticed well coiffed blond hair on someone standing near him.
I looked it up on imdb and discovered they are
remaking "Cupid" which was one of my fav tv series (it had Jeremy Piven before Entourage fame) that didn't last nearly long enough. The blond was Sarah Paulson. Not sure how excited I am about the "redo" but won't be able to tell until I see it! I guess it is going to be a mid-season replacement.
Oh yeah...back to the election! ;)

After work I went past Fox again and they had free pretzels,popcorn, coffee, soda and bottled water. They also had an area where you could pose w/Fox New Anchor cardboard cutouts and they'd post the pics online - I went to investigate further and was handed a flyer that said they were on Facebook. I opted not to do the pic thing - however I did get some popcorn! ;)
Now to wait for the results and wonder how much time will be allowed to pass before campaigning begins for 2012.