"Jump!" opened at the Strawberry One-Act Festival.

(Note the pic of me in my costume - I'm wearing my old cheerleading shoes and the socks were meant to cover my tattoo but apparently it did peak out as I got some comments after the show...oops. I guess I'm a church lady w/ a past!;) I'm also wearing a cross necklace that came in a "Buffy" set I have - teehee. Also note the guy in the stocking cap in our cast pic - he is not that much younger than me but played my son at the end of the show. Eh. It worked.)

"Jump!" is the first show in the lineup for our section - which is good because we can leave right after instead of waiting around (or watch at least the 2nd half of the show after us and the rest in the section) but it is bad because often times the first one up has a harder time sticking in the heads of the audience than the last one. (Since advancement in the festival is based on audience votes...having the audience remember us so they vote for us was kind of important!)
Aside from a near slip and fall on some lettuce on the ground (another actor spills her salad on stage in the show). I think it well well!;)
Will see what happens...
My friend from Boston came into town to see the show and also be in the city to prep for the NY Half Marathon on Sunday.
After the show, we got her pasta'd up at John's Pizzeria and then went to see Wall-E. Admittedly, I wasn't all that eager to see the movie but I'm glad I did. I loved seeing how much they could do

Cut to the next morning where I went to the race and stood watching for her about the time she thought she would cross thru. I never did get my eyes on her. But I took a pic of where I was instead! ;)

Finally made connections w/ her @ Battery Park. We wandered the various booths (and got free mini Jamba Juices) and then my friend headed to another friend's to recoup while I performed another show. Later we met up again and watched another movie via rental this time - 27 Dresses. Once again, a movie I wasn't all that excited to see - it proved to be cliche after cliche but at that point we weren't looking for anything too brain boggling to watch anyway I guess! ;)
The Strawberry One-Act Festival posted videos of our show online - but you have to pay to watch them. My parents did and for the money they paid were a bit disappointed in the quality. When I watched the rest of the shows after ours on Saturday I saw a guy w/ a recorder that used the full size tapes and during the last show the tape stopped and he had to switch it! Eeps! And they charged for that?! You'd think they could upgrade...maybe. It seems like there has be a decent amount of money brought in but what do I know...
Hopefully the Strawberry One-Act Festival blog will post semi-final results soon... :)